Posts Tagged ‘ sistema de salud ’

La vergüenza de la sociedad / You should be ashamed of yourself

Dígame qué se siente? Si, capaz que tiene mucha plata, mucho poder, muchos amigos… Posiblemente pueda darse muchos lujos, que a la mayoría de las personas (ni siquiera en Colombia sino en el mundo entero) les costaría una vida lograr…Pero, qué se siente?

Qué se siente saberse la escoria de la sociedad? Qué se siente ser incapaz de lograr las cosas honestamente, trabajando…?  Qué se siente ser tan poca cosa?

Dígame, puede ver a sus hijos a la cara? No se siente avergonzado? No es muy triste que todo lo que usted ha logrado es pura mentira? Qué nada de lo que usted tiene es suyo? Qué hay gente que SÍ trabaja por lo suyo, que todo lo logra con esfuerzo, mientras usted se hace uso de su poder y su crapulencia?

Es muy triste lo suyo. Y por eso lo compadezco… Debe ser terrible ser tan poca cosa. Más allá de las condenas y multas que le puedan poner (igual en tres años estará en libertad), no debe haber mayor castigo que verse a un espejo y saberse usted…

(For those who don’t know, in the last time Colombian media have been filled with news about corrupts, people who had stolen the public money and properties for their own benefit. Aparently (and I say that word to avoid legal troubles), the Bogotá’s mayor and the public health system managers are involved)

Please, tell me how do you feel… Yes, probably you have a lot of money, a lot of power, a lot of «friends». Maybe you can have a luxury life, a kind of life that most of the people (not just colombians, but also from all around the world) would never face… But, how does it feel?

How does it feel to be the waste of the society? How does it feel to be unable to achieve your aims legally, working for them? How does it feel to be such a tiny thing?

Tell me, can you see your children directly to their eyes? Don’t you feel ashamed? Isn’t it so sad to realize that everything you have is just a lie, that it is not your? Isn’t so sad to find that the most of the people DO work for what they are looking for, giving their best, while your are making use of your power and your devilry?

It’s too sad your life. And because of that I commiserate you… It must be awful to be that tiny thing. Beyond the punishments and the fines you could face (anyway in less than three years you’ll be free again), it should be not a greater pain that looking yourself in the mirror and realize that it is you…